The Remington 870 Tactical Police agencies employ their own Remington 870 tactic shotgun. The Remington 870 is loaded with everything you could possibly want for a firearm to defend yourself ...
The Remington 870 Pump Action Shotgun More than 10 million 870s have been sold since the year 1951. Newer Express models are priced under $500, and are well when used. ...
Ruger RXM – The Next Generation Striker Fired Pistol Ruger RXM is a newcomer to the 9mm polymer frame, striker fired pistol market. It could be a success. A combination ...
Ruger Mark IV Rimfire Pistol Ruger mark IV is a pistol that provides the very best of both worlds quality and durability. Its slim design allows it to be controlled ...
Ruger 10/22 Competition Ruger’s 10/22 Competition is a high-end version that is similar to Harley sells their Limited version or Chevy the ZR1. This model is made by the Custom ...
The Desert Eagle Mark XVI The Desert Eagle is a long-surviving survivor among big-bore semi-automatic pistols. It can be easily converted to various calibers. It also comes in a variety ...
Magnum Research’s Desert Eagle 1911 Review Desert Eagle has a powerful punch. This semi-automatic gun from Magnum Research is loaded with high-end custom features for a low cost that beats ...
The Desert Eagle 50 AE Desert Eagle, one of the most powerful semi-automatic handguns in the world. Magnum Research developed it in 1979 and started full-scale production in 1985. It ...
Colt AR-15 ArmaLite because of its limited financial resources and production capabilities limited production capacity, offered Colt it the AR-15 in the year 1959. They quickly secured US defense contracts ...
Colt King Cobra Revolver Review King Cobra revolvers have a following dating back to 1986. Colt has heard the groans of its fans and has relaunched this firearm beginning in ...